Rain Runner

Rain or shine the running group treads on!

A few weeks ago a few friends and I decided to start a running group. We have been meeting for runs every monday, wednesday and friday after work. It’s been great to have such a fun group of ladies to run with. I am getting to know new friends too! The running world gives you such a great opportunity to meet new friends with a passion for hitting the trail! And did I mention the catchy title for this group? Well we voted on the “I Will Run For Wine” group. Since we decided that wine would motivate us to run.

Last night I met up with Nicole, Bethany and Emmy (Bethany’s doggie) for an almost 5 mile run. We were a little hesitant since the weather drastically changed at the last minute from beautiful to downpour. Nicole informed me on our very first run that she didn’t do rain runs. So it was surprising to see her there ready to get it over with. The three of trudged along through puddles and raindrops which actually made for quite a fun run. I loved it! We were shooting for 5 miles, but finished just short of that at around 4.67. The dark sky was setting in, and we were drenched. But all and all it was fab!
Here I am drenched after the run.

It has become apparent that if I want to be a marathoner I can’t let rain, snow, hot or cold get in my way! This was a test of mother nature’s abilities and I am proud to say that we didn’t let that stop us!

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