Reflections through the hills


When I first read this email from my Team In Training Coach I wasn’t quite sure what to think & feel.

Hey Team,

Wednesday will be a sad day. It’s our final hill training of the season! Just let those emotions flow. Know in your hearts that the hills will always be there for you.

Hill Run – we have to end it with 8th St., right?
Meet at Camel’s Back Park on Wednesday at 6:00pm

Happy training!
Coach Brad

It made me laugh and it made me a bit emotional to think this would be our last “team” hill run.

It’s crazy to think about the adventure I have been on since May

It’s amazing to think of the blood, sweat, & even tears I have endured through this training.

And I am so blessed to have met the people I met and also to be able to spend quality time with my best friend.

I almost get choked up thinking about the progress I have made since starting my training and only having a Personal Distance Record of 6 miles.

Every single run was a new record to break and a new obstacle to tackle.

From my first time running 10 miles, then hitting 12 miles, 14 miles, 16 miles & even the big 18 miler, each run was a significant turning point in my life.

It was me breaking through barriers and mindsets of a realm that never seemed possible before.

So when I was faced with this hill, for the last official time, I knew it was a symbol of everything I have been through since May.

The uphill fight to keep training, to keep motivated, to keep going.

There were times during my run up this hill last night that I had to stop and take a walking break.

But there were also times in which I put 100% of my heart into and ran as hard as I could.

There were times I wanted to quit and truly doubted my ability to run the hills come San Francisco, then I hit a point in this hill training I had never hit before.

I realized my strength and endurance had been building, and I have become stronger during this process.

I truly realized how far I had come.

Funny, how a darn hill can bring about so much reflection and emotion. But as I mentioned in The Hill of Life post – “each time up the hill was a little easier than the last,” and that is what is so astounding about my running adventure.

It’s always going to be hard, but it’s never going to be as hard as the first day I strapped on running shoes and started this journey.

In 2.5 weeks I can officially call myself a marathoner. A feat in which is rarer than you would think. A title that no one can ever take away from me. An accomplishment that will go in the books with the highest of honors for me.

I am so filled with emotion when I think about October 17th, I’m pretty sure I’m just going to burst into tears as I cross that finish line. But don’t worry, they will be tears of joy!

Thank you for your encouraging words and support along the way, soon I will hit Destination 26.2 and it will be AMAZING!

19 thoughts on “Reflections through the hills

  1. It is so amazing how marathon training can boost ones self esteem so dramatically. I wish everyone could find something to achieve for themseleves that provides as much of a challege as these last few months have provided for us. It truely is an invaluable expereince.

  2. This post gave me chills! I am so excited for you. I have enjoyed reading your blog through this journey. I can’t wait to hear about your race and see the pictures. Good luck to you!

  3. I got teary just reading this post! So excited for you and proud of your progress!

    And yes, you are in a small group – only 1% of the population has run a marathon!

  4. I have enjoyed your journey to 26.2 miles so much and still do. Every victory you’ve had filled my heart with joy because you write so enthousiastic about it.

    You are going to do great in 2 weeks and I look forward to what’s next for you after this.

  5. AWWWWW I’m getting a little damp in the eyes over here! WHAT a journey it has been and I can’t wait to read the last page of this chapter. 🙂 🙂 🙂

    Enjoy your last team hill sesh!

  6. I read a stat that said less than 1% of Americans have ever run 26.2 miles. It is a wonderful minority to be a part of. And, I got a little teary as I crossed the finish line…but no real tears…I may have been dehydrated.

  7. Lovely post, Linzi. I started crying in the last mile of my 1st marathon when I knew I was actually going to make it (and under my goal time), and it was making it difficult to breathe and run, so I had to actively tell myself to cut it out until it was over. I’m sure you won’t be the only one crying at the finish line. There are few accomplishments in life that are worthy of happy tears-this is definitely one of them!

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