
I haven’t had the heart (or the time or energy) to update my blog over the last month and a half. Since I last posted my whole world has turned upside down. I will share with you that my husband, you know him as J. Alabama, was seriously injured over in Afghanistan in early June. Baby Jay, myself and some family have been to Germany and then onto San Antonio to be with him. He is still alive and doing better each day, though we are not out of the woods and still have a long road ahead.

I wanted to leave a quick little update here that I will not be blogging here anymore. This blog has been an amazing outlet to share my life but I feel it only appropriate to step away at this time.

Your thoughts and prayers are always welcome. I will still be available through email at destination26.2 at gmail dot com if you would like to check in from time to time.

Thank you all again for your support now and throughout the last three years. It is sad and very hard for me to step away, but due to the nature of this situation it’s the best choice for me and my family.

26 thoughts on “Life…

  1. Sending you my very best wishes to you and your family Linzi. It breaks my heart that at the most wonderful time of your life when your son was born, your husband was seriously injured.

    I’ll be in touch via email, and if you ever need to vent – I am here for you! Hugs!!

  2. Love to you Linz and thank you for sharing with us all your ups and downs through all your adventures these last years…

  3. I’m so sorry to hear about your husband’s injuries. Please know that your husband, you, and your whole family are in my prayers! You will be missed!

  4. I first found your blog via Beth’s (oooops Biz) and have enjoyed following your life as a newlywed, the announcement of your pregnancy, and following the days up to the blessed event. Your postings will be missed but take care of your husband and let him know his service for our country is much appreciated! You are all in my prayers.

  5. Linz,

    I am so so sorry — I will keep all of you in my prayers. Please try to take care of yourself as much as you can; you need rest and fuel to keep up your strength for your boys.


  6. Although I will miss your blog, I totally understand!! As you know, I’m here for you and thinking of you all often. Never a day goes by that you all aren’t in my thoughts. I’ve been talking to Justin lately and Dustin and I are trying to keep his spirits up. Lots of love is being sent your way.

  7. There are no words for what you guys have been through lately. I just wish you all the best for you, your son, your husband, and the whole family. Thanks for sharing a piece of your life on the blog over the last few years. I’ll always be thinking of you! Hugs and love.

  8. I’m so very sorry!!! I don’t even know what to say… I wish there is anything I could say or do to make you feel better. I understand your decision to step away from the blog to spend time with your family. I will miss your blog and hope one day you will be back blogging. My thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time. Please feel free to let me know if there is anything I can do!

  9. I think that sharing this on your blog was probably not easy, but I’m glad you were able to do it. I say that because I know that there are people who read your blog who care about you and want to support you and pray for you and your family. I hope you know that I’ve got your back 100%. If you want to e-mail me about it, if you want to e-mail me and not talk about it at all, if you need a hand with anything here in EP, I’m here for you!

  10. Prayers for you and your husband. I hope that you is ok and makes a full recovery. Know that myself and my family are so grateful for your husband service for your country and hope that he knows how much we appreciate the sacrifices you both have made.

  11. Linzi, you and your family have been in my thoughts and prayers so much over the past few weeks. Please let me know if there’s anything else I can do for you. Thank you for sharing so much of yourself and your story over the past few years via this blog. You will be missed, but know that we are all thinking of you and your family.

  12. Dear Linzi, I totally understand your decision. I am thinking about you and your family a lot and I don’t pray anymore but I keep you in my thought and hope everything is going to be okay for all of you someday.

    Thank you for sharing your life the past 3 years. It’s been a great pleasure reading this and although I will miss your blog I totally understand, your family is more important.

    Take care sweety and I’ll see on FB how you are doing.

  13. I am so very sorry to hear this news. My thoughts and prayers are with you all and especially your husband as he fights his way back. I too understand your decision. All the best.

  14. I’m so sorry to hear about your husband! I’ll miss reading your blog but I think your decision to focus on your family is totally understandable. I’ll keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

  15. Hi Linz. I have been totally MIA from blogs, but clicked on your link via Instagram to see what you’ve been up to with baby Jay. So so so sorry to read this update. I can’t begin to imagine what you’re going through and definitely understand your need for some more privacy during this time. Will be keeping you, J. Alabama and baby boy Jay in my heart and hoping for nothing but the best. Take care of yourself. {{hugs}}

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