
So blogging has led me to yet another awesome runner-ship, (friendship with someone who runs).

I had the delight of running with Cynthia of ‘Run, Dream & Laugh Out loud’  on Saturday.


And I was SO glad she agreed to run the long run with me. I had 10 miles on the schedule and not a lot of motivation.

We ran for 1 hour and 49 minutes and managed to chit chat the whole time! And I was amazed that I could keep up that pace while conversing the whole way.


Our run at times was a little hard, and we took a few walking breaks. For the most the part I just kept pushing forward.  But by the end I was beat.

We finished at 9.5 miles which was as far as I could go. We were both happy with that though.


Cynthia is a sweet girl and I’m super excited to have yet another new running friend via the blogging world.

Isn’t technology great? It has brought me together with three new local running friends who I probably wouldn’t have met otherwise. I’m excited to have met Meg, Cambry & Cynthia through the internet. LOL! 🙂


And a huge shout-out today to a whole slew of family birthday’s that happened this weekend and today.

You know I ♥ you all Abbey, A-bomb, and Grandma!!


Happy Running Friends!

Hope you all had a great weekend. I can’t wait to share with you on Wedding Wednesday a fun DIY project we tackled this weekend! 😉

8 thoughts on “Runnership

  1. So cool you could run again with another blogger friend.

    I would love to run with you sometime but am afraid that’s not going to happen. I read mostly blogs from the US and Canada. I’m lucky to find a blogger friend whose an American living in Belgium and we will do a race together in October. She’s going to be in Holland in 2 weeks and I have plans to look her up then.

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