The Big 100


So the big 100.

I bet you are thinking that I ran 100 miles this year? Well, in 16.5 miles that will be the case and cause for more celebrating. 

Actually today is Destination 26.2’s 100th post!  It’s crazy how time flies when you are having fun blogging!

So what a better to celebrate the big 100, than by having my first ever giveaway! 🙂

I knew you would agree. So here is what’s up for grabs – a lovely white Under Armor running t-shirt.

Now you know you want it, heck I wanted it so bad I actually bought one for me too. 🙂  (Not sure if that’s how a blog giveaway is supposed to go, but hey we’ll be twins!)

Now there are 3 ways to win this awesome RUN t-shirt. 

To Enter leave a separate comment for each on this post:

1. Subscribe to this blog and leave me a comment saying you have or already do subscribe

2. Spread the love – Talk about this giveaway on your blog and leave me a comment saying you have done so

3. Tell me a running tip – (best injury prevention, post/pre-run snack, favorite running gear…)

The deadline to enter this AWESOME giveaway is this friday, March 26th at 6:00 pm MST. I will pick a winner using the random number generator.

The t-shirt that is being given away is a size medium, but we may be able to get it in a smaller size. I am sporting the M shirt and it’s pretty stretchy.

44 thoughts on “The Big 100

  1. I am a follower! And can I say that I LOVE this t-shirt! (I have it in pink…but would LOVE it in white) It is sooo comfy!

    Also, Happy 100th post, and thank you for commenting on my blog! It is sooo fun to have bloggie friends!

  2. My running advice is even if you are training for a huge race, don’t forget to incorporate weights and cross-training…It keeps you from burning out on running, plus it makes me a better runner and keeps me from injury!

    Thanks for the fun giveaway!

  3. That is awesome that you will be running your first marathon in October too! We will be able to follow each other on our marathon training journey this summer/fall! Thanks for following my blog!

  4. Super cute shirt! I have this favorite shirt for cool weather running by REI…its really light weight and the sleeves roll up well without cutting off circulation;) I also love to run in Lulu groove pants…because they stay in place and hold everything in!

  5. Running Tip – At least a few times a month run a little bit further or faster than you think you can. If you only think you can run 2 miles, run 2.5 or 2.25. We can almost always accomplish more than we think we can. The feeling of accomplishment is such a high.

    Also, always test out new running clothes before a long run and especially before a race. You don’t want to deal with comfort issues during those.

  6. I’m a relatively new runner but my best tip for those wishing to run is to get fitted for the proper shoes! I love Adidas running clothes but love my Asics running shoes!

  7. Tip:

    An ice bath will do wonders for your legs after a long run. CRUCIAL in marathon training. Painful, but worth it!! (It can be refreshing in the summer, actually!)

  8. Happy 100th! I’m a follower 🙂 I know I should leave a separate comment but I am okay with just one entry 🙂 My fave running tip is foam rolling- do it! I always foam roll my IT band after running. It is painful but it has allowed me to keep running without any knee issues!

  9. Best running tip? Get shoes that work for you! Many places offer gait analysis for free – take advantage of it. The shoes (imo) can make a lot of difference on your running!

  10. Best running tip: listen to your body. Your body is so smart, it knows when you’re doing too much and should slow down or when you need a rest, we just don’t listen to it enough!

  11. Pingback: Almost There « Destination 26.2

  12. I WANT THIS SHIRT! I luv UA stuff…
    For me, deciding what your goals for each race are is key. I have one “PB” goal race and 2 “make the distance and not die” races for this session of our clinic. It helps me focus and not think I have to kill myself everytime..and get injured.

  13. My tip is: If you set a distance that you want to do, then start to dread the run…shorten it to a distance you feel comfortable with at that moment. For me, it is important to get a run in (no matter what the distance), than to ditch running because I am too tired for a certain distance.

  14. Pingback: Care for your Well Being «

  15. another runner secret: post workout/run fuel: chocolate milk or soy chocolate milk. it tastes great AND it has the same effect of gatorade for refueling and hydrating!

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