Pumping Iron

In light of the HBBC & my new love of adventurously trying new exotic fruits & veggies, I chose the persimmon as my next victim.

Now this little fruit is all cute & cuddly…it looks so sweet just a like a little pumpkin.

But don’t let it’s sweet pumpkin looking exterior fool you.

This thing was not fun.

Not fun to peel off the skin around the fruit. (A must when eating this fruit).

Not fun trying to figure out what to do next after peeling.

Not fun when my taste buds actually went on their adventure.

I am sorry to report I am not a fan. It had a very vague melon taste but with lacking flavor and oomph. I wanted it to be sweet & succulent like the pomegranate. I wanted it to be juicy like the red pear. I wanted it to be something amazing. To my disappointment It was nothing but a nice addition to my compost bin. (I could only struggle through about half of it).

Here is something I am becoming a fan of.

I mentioned a few days ago that I really want to add strength training into my workout schedule. Well either the stars were aligned or the boyfriend has been reading my blog because on Sunday J. Alabama asked if I wanted to accompany him at the gym.

Now I have been the “spotter” on one other occasion, many many months ago. And don’t think by being the spotter you get out of doing the work, J. Alabama doesn’t mess around when he goes to the gym.

So Sunday & Monday I went to the gym to pump iron. This girl has not touched anything over five pounds since August and was a little hesitant that I was not going to be able to move this week due to our excruciating workouts.

The great thing about going with him is he encouraged me during every routine. He pushed me a little bit farther than I would have pushed myself. Okay, a lot harder – but that’s what I really want. I wanted him to be my Bob & Jillian!

He had me dead lifting somewhere between 65-75 pounds. I was lifting a 30lb bar over my head. I was doing everything at a higher level but it was AWESOME!

I am glad to be able to share this activity with him and glad he is patient enough to deal with my whining over using 15 lb weights when I am used to using 8’s. But the push is what’s going to move me along faster. It’s going to make me stronger.

I am still pumped to do the 30 Day Shred next month – though I might need to invest in something bigger than 5 lbs if I keep pumping the iron at this level.

Happy Thanksgiving Eve everyone!

4 thoughts on “Pumping Iron

  1. 1. parsimons – i love them. when i lived in korea, they were the most popular fruit. and fruits were normally very expensive, and these guys were not. so i dont know if i loved them right away, or i just got used to them.2. gym with the bf – i want to do that. my bf wont go with me. he sometimes runs with me, but i would really like him to help me with my weights also. maybe one day. 3. how do u get the bf to read ur blog? mine probably doesnt even know what the name of my blog is.4. weight training in general – i dont do it enough and when i do, i dont push myself hard enough. i should take ur example and add it to my workout. hope ur having a good wednesday!

  2. Good for you, being brave and trying something new. Too bad it didn't work out – hopefully the next experiment will be better!Aweosme job on the strength workout too. I really need a gym buddy to push me at the gym, which is why I generally stick to classes.

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