Sleep Runner


I am now in the routine of meeting my fun friend Brooke for a lovely 5:45 am monday run.  (This is the third monday in a row!)

It’s a great way to start off the week and so fun to pound out 5 miles before I can even really wake up.

Seriously, I felt like the first 2 miles I was sleep running. Lol!

Then when all is said and done, the wackyness comes out. 

While Brooke was stretching it out, 

I felt the need to do bench top yoga.

It actualy felt really good on the ole hip flexors. I’m not going to lie, but after my FAB 14 on saturday I took a nap and woke up crying in pain. Seriously, sobbing tears.

Have you ever experienced a weird pain that you cannot describe?

It was in my lower abdominal area right between my two hip flexors. It was so weird, I didn’t even know I had muscles there. But the pain was awkward, I was afraid to stand up or sit down because it felt so tight that I might pull something.

I slowly got myself off the couch and proceeded to meet my friends down at the park for a Beer Festival. I guess the few beers that I indulged in drowned out the pain. Besides a little twinge of tightness, I didn’t have any issues today.

So weird!


Speaking of BEER…..


If you are a fellow BOISE-ian you should ralley on down to Bittercreek in downtown Boise tonight for The Kegs For the Kause event! Yup, you drink a beer and the proceeds go directly towards The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society in Maria’s & I’s honor for our marathon fundraising!

It’s going to be a good time for a great cause! Can’t beat that!


Distance Dreamers:

I am excited to say that I have joined a blogger group called the Distance Dreamers. It’s a group of us who are all embarcking on our very first half marathon or marathon.

Abbi over at Higher Miles has spearheaded this group as a way to motivate each other as we go through this adventure. I am super excited to have a virtual support group as I make my way through the rest of this journey to 26.2.

When joining this group a few questions were posed to get a little discussion going and to give you all a closer look at what my reason for striving for my Destination 26.2 is.


What made you decide you wanted to run a long distance race?

 In the short time that I began running I fell in love with it. I slowly made my way through my first 5k loving every second of it, then I conquered a 10k and felt the need to take it the next level. Somewhere though, I skipped through the official half-marathon and decided to go straight to the full.

Why the full marathon or half as your distance of choice?

Something inside of me just said that running a marathon could be a huge challenge and once I set my goals to something I almost always achieve it. But I truly thought running a marathon would prove to myself that anything is possible. As running a marathon is challenging enough but not impossible. I like to push myself and see what is truly possible.

Finally, why was this the year to go for it?

This year had to be the year because I needed something to work toward in 2010 that was a challenge and would keep me running and training. I am a very goal oriented person, so having a race to train for has been a perfect way to keep on track and has helped a lot mentally with other goals in my life to continue to lead a healthier lifestyle.

Also, running a marathon with Team In Training sounded like such a great way to learn how to run a marathon with a great support system. And let’s not forget the awesome Tiffany’s neclaces we get as a finishing medal at the end of the race. I’m just sayin’ this is an added bonus to the marathon. 🙂


Thanks for reading this hodgepodge of a post and happy monday!


12 thoughts on “Sleep Runner

  1. I’m loving this Monday morning routine! Mondays are my rest day but I’ll be up and at ’em early for the next 4 days!

    Good luck with your fundraiser tonight!

  2. I never had unexplainable pain but I’m happy to hear you feel better now.

    I feel in a way we are running together on Monday morning 🙂 even though there’s a time difference between us. I was running at 5.45 am too yesterday morning.

    The group sounds interesting, is it open for everybody? I think I would like to join as I’m training for my first half.

    • Yes! You should click on abbi’s comment above and go to her page and and email her. It just started last week. It’s a great support group for all people going through their first half and whole marathons. YAY!

  3. Hooray for distance dreamers! Awesome job on getting the miles in before most peeps are even awake. btw- you should totally submit that yoga photo to healthy ashley for her all over yoga website. 😀

  4. Hope everything is okay with the hips, I hate waking up to weird pains. Great job on the run on Saturday though, and way to keep up the early monday run – isn’t running in your sleep the best? haha

  5. Love that you are enjoying getting up so early – I never used to be an early riser, but this summer somehow I’ve been able to get out of bed at 6:00 a.m. – and I don’t have to leave for work until 8:30! 😀

    So proud of your run over the weekend too!

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