

Gimme a shish-kabob, a margarita and two of my lovely gal pals and you’ve got yourself SHISHKARITA night! 

Ash & Jess on shish patrol

What? What? Okay! It’s girls night on a school night and I love it! 

Jessica, Ashley and I decided we needed a nice night of catching up on girl talk while indulging in healthy eats and yummy drinks. Hence Shishkarita night was born. 


Cheers to ladies night! I had a blast hanging with them both and was definitely due for a fun night with friends. I will be lying low on the alcohol scene once I start marathon training with the exception of birthday drinks this weekend. (The big 2-7 commences on Sunday!) 

P.S.  Happy Birthday today to the lovely Brittany and my awesome Uncle Rob!


Confessions of a newbie bike commuter: 

I rode Sea Breeze to work again yesterday (this makes two for the week!) and had a lovely commute to work. I was stoked that I made it in record time, under 18 minutes. 

I went to change into my work clothes and was pleasantly surprised to find this in my bag.  


Yup, two right shoes. I don’t know how this happens to me, as this is not the first time if you can remember this incident

Anyways, I went and preached to the choir yesterday about packing your work clothes the night before and did I follow my own instructions? No. I did not. If I had laid my work clothes out the night before I would have noticed that I was grabbing two different right shoes. 

Who knew this girl had more than one pair of tiny heeled shoes. 😦 

So needless to say, I was at work all dressed in my work clothes to find out I either had to walk around barefoot or wear my running shoes with a skirt. Lucky I was able to take the company car for a quick drive back to the house to pick up my left shoe. (I realize this completely negated the whole idea of saving the earth by not driving… blah blah blah). 


I think when I start a new routine I manage to forget everything else that matters and real destruction happens. Hopefully I have all the kinks worked out now. 

Another challenge on my commute yesterday morning was trying to figure out how to travel with my morning green monster.  (I usually just drink and drive) 😉 

So I came up with this idea…. 



Can’t beat Green Monster in a Tupperware? It got some funny reactions at work though when I was actually drinking from this container. 


Between the shoe issue and the GM in a Tupperware, I think my fellow employees must think I am whacked out. 

I can definitely say that I laughed a lot yesterday. And laughing is good for the soul. 

My Running Report: 

Between work and Shishkarita night I met up with Jessica and Brooke for a 3 mile run. 


Lookie closely, I finally busted out my new Nike Running skirt. I was SO excited to finally wear it. 


The review was a big a thumbs down unfortunately. 😦  The little shorts underneath kept riding up every step I took. It caused a ton of chaffing and discomfort. I am super bummed because looking at the pictures I feel super cute. But the uncomfortable feeling was too much to bear. I am retiring this skirt on it’s first debut. 

I know a lot of you run in running skirts – what brand/type do you wear? How does it feel when running?

I am just thinking I may need to buy a different brand, because I don’t want to admit defeat to the running skirt just yet.

15 thoughts on “Shish-ka-rita

  1. Man those kabobs look amazing!! yum yum!
    And I am right there with you on the Nike running skirt. Mine brought me major disappointment when I wore it the first time to run. Those stupid undershorts! They really need to make them a bit longer and tighter, maybe?
    I have heard great things about the RunningSkirts brand and there is another out there that I seem to be blanking on right now. I keep waiting for the right moment to spend $$ on one. I think I am waiting for my weight loss goal to be reached, maybe. They make some with longer length tights that I think I want to try. I will try to remember and send you the link to those.. I may need a reminder from you on that. LOL

  2. I have a few running skirts… MPG is my fave. The shorts still ride up a bit (I find this is a given) but use plenty of Body Glide, and it doesn’t bother me.

    Had to LOL at the shoes. Live & learn!

    Great idea with the tupperware smoothie!

  3. I have to agree with you on the running skirt. I think they are so cute on other people; so I decided to buy one. I hated it. The shorts part kept riding up, and the skirt part kept slipping down. Maybe it was too big. I’m not sure, but I didn’t like it! I wore the skirt that one time and then passed it along to a friend of mine. I’m a shorts girl!!!

  4. Shish-ka-rita rules! So much fun! And because we ran, I did not feel so bad about having two margaritas, two shishkabobs, two cookies plus salad and chips. Yeah… that’s a lot of food! I think we would have had to run a marathon to work that off.

  5. hahhaha i love the fact that you had 2 right shoes that were different. hahahah sorry to laugh at your misfortune! hehe
    good job on all the bike riding. thats pretty awesome!!!

    I wear some kind of nike skirt. I dont know the name of it. sorry. :s
    but i love my skirt. i was very scared to buy it as well, but i lucked out!

    hopefully your next one is fabulous!!!

    i love shishkarita night! u girls look like u had fun!

  6. Ah! I love it! I once packed two different heels for a cruise vacation. It probably would have gone unnoticed it one hadn’t have been a kitten heel and the other a strappy platform… I wore flip flops under my gown. 🙂

  7. That is too funny about the shoes. At least if you’d had a left & a right you could have tried to say you were making a fashion statement. The more you do it, the more you’ll figure everything out. Can you put your GM into a water bottle? I’d be afraid of that container opening up on me during the ride.

    I have 2 running skirts from Target. To be honest, I’ve mostly worn them casually (which I love!). They are so comfy. I did get chaffing once though when I ran in one, but it was SUPER hot and I do have bigger thighs that constantly rub. I haven’t worn them since last summer, but I’m planning to take one out this weekend if the weather agrees. I’m also going to use Body Blide next time, just to be safe.

  8. I rode my bike to work this morning, too! I have to say, your post really inspired me to move my butt and just do it.
    I haven’t ever tried the running skirts before, but your review kind of confirmed what I’m afraid of. I don’t think I’d like the shorts under the skirt. I didn’t like it when my mom forced me to wear bike shorts under my skirts in elementary school — I don’t think I’d like running in them either. 😉

  9. Those shish-kabobs look incredible!

    Bummer that the Nike skirt didn’t work. (It looks cute!) I love my skirts. I went with the style that has the briefs, but people seem to like the kind with the compression shorts, too. I think the shorts have to be pretty tight to get the right fit, but I’ve called the warehouse with fit questions and they’re amazingly helpful. They’re expensive, but check out the clearance skirts!

  10. Thanks for making me laugh at work. The shoe story cracked me up! Sorry to hear about the skirt, as it looks so cute on you! Maybe trying another brand will get you one you like!

  11. I have a couple and you do need to get used to them but mine are Saucony and Title nine… super comfy. Also Body Glide is our friend 🙂 pick it up anywhere.

  12. I have a running skirt from Target that isn’t bad but I only wear it for short runs. Otherwise, since the shorts do ride up, my thighs will find each other and start the rub. Ouch! They are comfy if you can find one that works for you. Some of them are crazy expensive though.

    Love the girls night out! Fun! 😀

  13. LOL at the two shoes!

    I almost bought a Tek Gear running skirt at Kohl’s last week but my mom convinced me the shorts would chafe so I didn’t. I guess I should be happy about that! The one I was looking at was super cute too 😦

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